Game Guide for Army Strategy: Idle Game

Where to begin:

1. The game can be a little confusing at first, the in game tutorial can help a little with that and could be a good place to start.

2. If you still need to know more, browse this document for more info and helpful tips.

Your goal in the game:

The goal of the game is quite simple.

1. Create a strategy / spend your starter cash

2. Build an army

3. Equip your army

4. Battle with your army

5. Periodically gain RP to then spend on upgrades

6. You will gain money throughout your attack to buy and upgrade various things which include new brigades, more research, faster RP production, faster manpower production, and most importantly more factories.

7. Repeat steps 2 – 6 until you are ready to prestige where you will then gain a boost in the amount of money you make.

Hidden details:

- Every city you take you get one new factory to buy

- Every 5 cities you take, you can assign an extra factory to make prestige points

- You make $100 x city number for each city you take multiplied by the prestige bonus


- When attacking you can unassign a brigade from its division and train it without affecting your attacking army

What do the stats mean:

- Every brigade / division / army has 4 main stats:

1. Health – (Heart icon)

2. Armor – (Shield icon)

3. Light Damage – (Explosion icon)

4. Heavy Damage – (Tank shell icon)

- Health is the most important. When the health reaches 0, the attack stops (or you conquer an enemy city)

- Time and weight are also important

- Time is how long the attack will take

- Weight is a limit on how big your army can be, but the limit can be increased with research

- The mod stats (the ones with the + icon attached) provide boosts for the entire division and only exist on individual brigades. For example if you had a brigade with a 5% health mod, your divisions health would have an extra 5% health than would be their without that brigade.

Order of bonuses:

- When creating the best possible strategy it can be important to know the order in which bonuses are applied to your divisions.

1. Start with the base stats of each brigade within a division

2. Update the base stats based upon the quality within the Manpower Training menu

3. Apply the bonuses that the General assigned to the division gives

4. Apply the mod stats from every brigade in the division pooled together

5. When assigned to the army, in a support slot or elite slot the respective bonuses are applied

How attacking works:

- It can be important to know what the stats do when attacking

- For each attack and defense the attacking army’s damage stats are multiplied by current health divided by original health, so damage will decrease as health decreases

- For each attack and defense the attacking army’s damage stats for that attack will be multiplied by a random number from 0.75 to 1.25

- For each attack and defense the attacking army has a 5% chance to get a crit which will double the damage on the attack

- You army’s attack will last until its health reaches 0, not its armor

1. Your army does a heavy attack

2. Your army does a light attack

3. Your army defends against a heavy attack

4. Your army defends against a light attack

5. The cycle repeats until your army has no health left

Brigade classifications:

- Different generals provide different bonuses to different brigade types

- The brigade categories, Infantry, Motorized, Armor, and Airborne that show up when editing a division are also of that same type

- The brigades in the categories, Support, Medical, and Artillery are all of the Support type

General bonuses:

- These are already shown in game, but I think they could be helpful to include in here

- GS stands for General Stars

- Normal stats include both damage, armor, and health stats.

- Special stats include the weight and time stats

- All stats refers to both normal and special stats, mod stats are not included

- A + or - indicate a movement in the positive or negative way relative to the stat. For example you want your weight stat to be as low as possible, so +10% weight indicates a positive upgrade meaning that the value will be decreased by 10%, not increased

- Infantry generals provide:

- Motorized generals provide:

- Support generals provide:

- Armored generals provide:

- Airborne generals provide: